Multivitamin - MyPicPax
Multivitamin - MyPicPax


الفيتامينات المتعددة عبارة عن مزيج يوفر التغذية الشاملة والحماية لدعم القلب والمفاصل والعضلات والصحة الجنسية ، ويساعد على تقوية المناعة ويعمل بشكل جيد لزيادة الطاقة الكلية والقدرة على التحمل وإدارة الإجهاد.


المدخول المنتظم من هذا الفيتامينات يعزز العافية العامة ، ويعزز وظيفة المناعة ، ويعزز مستويات الطاقة. يضمن توفير إمدادات متوازنة من العناصر الغذائية الأساسية ، مما يساعد على منع نقص التغذية ودعم الصحة المثلى عبر أنظمة الجسم المختلفة.

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Multivitamin 500mg

المعلومات الغذائية:

ثيامين 1.7 ملغ ، ريبوفلافين 1.1 ملغ ، نياسين 18 ملغ ، حمض البانتوثنيك 5 ملغ ، حمض 200 ميكروغرام ، بيوتين 30 ميكروغرام ، مغنزيوم 80 ملغ ، كالسيوم 150 ملغ ، حديد 21 ملغ ، زنك 10 ملغ ، 110 كرومين ميكروغرام ، 30 ميكروغرام ، النحاس 1.35 ملغ ، الموليبدينوم 40 ميكروغرام ، خلاصة الشاي الأخضر (25 ملغ ، خلاصة بذور العنب 25 ملغ ، خلاصة الجينسنغ باناز (جذر) 25 ملغ ، حمض ألفا ليبويك 10 ملغ ، الليكوبين 500mcg ، لوتين 500 ، زيكسانثين 28.

المكونات الأخرى: نشا الصوديوم جلايكولات ، التلك ، ستيرات المغنيسيوم ، الهباء الجوي ، السليلوز الجريزوفولفين ، النشا ، ثنائي فوسفات الكالسيوم ، PVP K30 HPMC ، PEG 6000 ، اللون الصناعي المسموح به (150d)

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Why Multivitamins Matter: The Powerhouse to Your Wellness

Maintaining a balanced diet can be challenging. Hectic schedules, processed foods, and nutrient deficits often result in nutritional gaps in our daily intake. 

This is where PicPax introduces multivitamin supplements, a convenient option to ensure your body gets the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally.

Whether you're a man or a woman, your nutritional requirements vary based on age, lifestyle, and health conditions. Multivitamins are tailored to address these differences, supporting overall health and well-being. 

Considering the best multivitamin supplements over food also helps to balance our daily nutritional intake and redefine wellness.

Benefits of Multivitamins

Multivitamins are dietary supplements that combine various vitamins and minerals, providing a convenient way to ensure adequate nutrient intake. Some of the benefits are listed below

  • Nutritional Gap Filling

Multivitamins are designed to provide essential nutrients that might be lacking in an individual's diet. For instance, they can help increase the intake of vitamins A, C, D, E, and B-complex vitamins, which are crucial for energy production, immune function, and overall well-being

  • Boosting Energy Levels

Feeling sluggish? Vitamins like B12, folic acid, and iron found in multivitamins play a crucial role in energy production, helping you stay active and productive throughout the day.

  • Supporting Immune Health

Multivitamins, particularly those with vitamins C, D, and zinc, enhance your immune system, making it easier for your body to fight off infections and illnesses.'

  • Heart Health

Certain vitamins, including B vitamins and antioxidants like vitamin E, support cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of heart disease. They help maintain healthy blood pressure levels and improve circulation

  • Enhancing Skin, Hair, and Nail Health

Biotin, vitamin E, and antioxidants found in multivitamins improve skin elasticity, strengthen nails, and promote shiny, healthy hair.

  • Addressing Gender-Specific Needs

Multivitamins for men and women are designed to address specific requirements. For example, men may benefit from nutrients supporting prostate health, while women’s formulations often include iron and calcium for reproductive health and bone density.


Are multivitamins necessary if I eat a healthy diet?

Even the healthiest diets can fall short of providing all essential nutrients consistently. Factors like stress, pollution, and food quality impact nutrient absorption, making multivitamins a helpful addition to your routine.

Can I take a men’s multivitamin if I’m a woman, or vice versa?

While it’s not harmful, it’s best to take multivitamins tailored to your gender. Men’s and women’s formulations are designed to meet different nutritional needs, such as higher iron content for women or prostate-supporting ingredients for men.

When is the best time to take multivitamins?

It’s ideal to take multivitamins with a meal to enhance absorption. Morning is a common choice as it aligns with breakfast and kickstarts your day.

Are multivitamins safe to take daily?

Yes, multivitamins are safe when taken as directed. However, exceeding the recommended dosage can lead to side effects. Always follow the instructions on the label or consult a healthcare professional.

How long does it take to see results from multivitamins?

The effects of multivitamins depend on individual factors like diet, lifestyle, and existing deficiencies. Some benefits, such as improved energy levels, may be noticeable within weeks, while others, like bone health, may take longer.