L - Carnitine - MyPicPax


يستخدم L-carnitine في مجموعة متنوعة من الاضطرابات النفسية بما في ذلك مرض الزهايمر وفقدان الذاكرة المرتبط بالعمر والاكتئاب في أواخر العمر والمشاكل المتعلقة بإدمان الكحول والمشاكل المتعلقة بمرض لايم والمشاكل المتعلقة بضعف وظائف الكبد. المكملات مطلوبة بشكل خاص لمن لديهم مستويات أقل ، مثل كبار السن والنباتيين والنباتيين.


مكملات منتظمة مع L-Carnitine قد تدعم الصحة الأيضية وإنتاج الطاقة. من خلال المساعدة على تسهيل عملية التمثيل الغذائي الأكثر كفاءة للدهون ، يمكن أن تساعد في الحفاظ على مستويات الطاقة أثناء الأنشطة البدنية. كما أنه يساعد في استعادة العضلات من خلال إدارة إزالة النفايات الأيضية ، وتعزيز صحة العضلات بشكل عام.

L-Carnitine with drink
L-Carnitine 500mg

المعلومات الغذائية:

ل-كارنيتين فوميرات - 500 مجم

المكونات الأخرى: السليلوز الجريزوفولفين ، ثاني أكسيد السيليكون ، غلاف كبسولة نباتي (HPMC).

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هل أنت مستعد لتقديم طلبك الأول؟

Get the Best L-Carnitine Tablets for Your Weight Loss Journey

Transform your fitness goals into reality with PicPax's premium L-carnitine tablets. Our scientifically formulated supplements help optimize fat burning and enhance exercise performance, making your weight loss journey more effective. Order now and get it delivered. 

Key Benefits of L-Carnitine Tablets

L-carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid derivative that plays a crucial role in energy production and fat metabolism. Here's what our L-carnitine tablets can do for you:

  • Supports Fat Metabolism: L-carnitine helps transport fatty acids into your cells' mitochondria, where they're burned for energy, supporting your body's natural fat-burning processes.
  • Enhances Exercise Performance: L-carnitine improves fat utilization, helping increase endurance and reduce fatigue during workouts. This allows you to train harder and longer.
  • Promotes Recovery: Regular supplementation may help reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and soreness, helping you bounce back faster between workouts.
  • Supports Heart Health: L-carnitine transports fatty acids into heart muscle cells, which serve as the heart's primary fuel source (60-70% of heart's energy comes from fat). This efficient fuel delivery helps maintain healthy heart function and energy production.

Frequently Asked Questions About L-Carnitine

1. How to use L-carnitine for fat loss?

For optimal fat loss results, take L-carnitine as part of a comprehensive approach that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet. The recommended dosage is typically 2-3g per day, split into 2 to 3 doses. Consistency is key to seeing results.

2. Can I take a fat burner and L-carnitine together?

Yes, L-carnitine can be safely combined with most fat burners. However, always check the ingredients of your fat burner supplement to avoid over-supplementation of L-carnitine, as some fat burners already contain it. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before combining supplements.

3. Does L-carnitine cause bloating?

You should be safe from side effects if you stick with 2-3 grams of L-carnitine. However, some people may experience heartburn, indigestion, bloating and nausea. To be on the safe side, consult a medical practitioner before you consume L-carnitine. 

4. Does L-carnitine spike insulin?

No, L-carnitine itself doesn't significantly spike insulin levels. In fact, a study has shown that L-carnitine can actually reduce insulin levels. 

5. How much L-carnitine is too much?

While L-carnitine is generally safe, doses exceeding 3g per day may cause side effects such as nausea or digestive issues. The recommended daily dosage ranges from 2-3g for most people. Higher doses should only be taken under medical supervision.

6. When is L-carnitine best taken?

This depends on your requirements. For athletic performance, it’s best to take it 1 hour before workout along with a carbohydrate. For mental health benefits and optimal metabolism, it’s recommended to consume it in between meals. 

7. What’s the best time to take L-carnitine for weight loss?

For weight loss purposes, taking L-carnitine 30-60 minutes before exercise can help maximize fat burning during your workout. If taking multiple doses, space them throughout the day, with one dose near your workout time.

8. Can L-carnitine be taken on an empty stomach?

Yes, L-carnitine can be taken on an empty stomach. However, absorption may be better when taken with carbohydrates. If you experience any stomach discomfort, consider taking it with food.

9. Can I take L-carnitine after workout?

Yes, taking L-carnitine post-workout is beneficial. It can help with recovery and continue supporting fat metabolism during the post-exercise period. It's particularly effective when combined with your post-workout meal.

10. How much time does L-carnitine take to work?

Most people begin to notice the effects of L-carnitine supplementation within 2-3 weeks of consistent use. However, optimal results typically become apparent after 8-12 weeks of regular supplementation combined with exercise and proper nutrition.

11. Is L-carnitine safe for women?

Yes, L-carnitine is safe for women and can be particularly beneficial for supporting weight management and exercise performance. The recommended dosages are the same for both men and women, and there are no gender-specific contraindications. Some studies have even